
Articles containing Advice, Interviews and everything in-between to help you on your musical and Gigging journey!


I’m Playing Naked! – How it helped improve my playing and tone!

Introduction I’ve recently been trying something different: playing “naked”! Of course, I don’t mean without clothes—sorry if you pictured that! I mean using minimal effects and pedals. I tried using as little gear as possible to achieve the sound I wanted. After a few weeks of this experiment, I’ve learned

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Pre-Stage Ritual: A Guitarist’s Guide to Nailing the Performance

Introduction Stepping onto the stage as a guitarist is an exhilarating experience, but the moments just before can be nerve-wracking. To ensure a flawless performance, it’s crucial to have a pre-stage ritual that encompasses aspects like controlled breathing, managing nerves, and effective warm-ups. In fact, having a pre-stage ritual is

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A Guide to Trying Out Guitar Equipment – Unleashing Your Sound

Introduction Whether you’re a seasoned guitarist or just starting your musical journey, the process of trying out new guitar equipment is both exciting and crucial to shaping your unique sound. From guitars and amplifiers to pedals and accessories, finding the perfect combination can be a game-changer for your playing experience. 

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